Saturday, April 17, 2010

Layering Artwork

Today I've been working on layering several of my mixed media pieces. As so often happens with my artwork, I've got several interesting small pieces that I'm not sure are complete as individual pieces. However when I layer them allowing them to overlap each other just a bit, I find myself looking at one larger piece of artwork that has more presence and punch. I'm still playing around with the arrangement, but so far it's working pretty well.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4

This will be a difficult date for the rest of my life. As I've mentioned in an earlier post, my mother died a year ago today. I feel like I need to do something today in her memory, but I don't know what. I thought of doing an activity that we had shared together in the past, but without her with me it isn't the same. Her death made me realize that my life is flying by, and I only have a short time to make it meaningful. With that in mind I have decided to simply continue pursuing my dream of being an artist.

Therefore, I am adding a new picture to my blog. In keeping with the memory of my mother it is a simple design of hearts and a flower. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter

Okay, I'm still playing around with this blog idea. Trying to figure out anything related to the computer is a challenge to me. I would much rather be gluing paper together.
I hope everyone will have a good weekend. I am full of mixed emotions this weekend. On one hand the weather is beautiful, but it is also the anniversary of my mother's death. She died a year ago on April 4. I am thinking of dyeing Easter eggs. My family, including my brother and father, had a blast blowing out eggs and coloring them a number of years ago. I mean blast literally. As any of you who have done this before know, blowing out an egg is a challenge. We got the bright idea of using a bicycle pump to speed the process along. It worked fairly well, but we exploded several eggs in the process. Anyway, we managed to do a couple of dozen eggs without breaking them and still have them. When I see the eggs, a good memory is brought to the surface. I cherish that.

Getting Set Up to Blog

Ha! I can't believe that I have a blog of my own. Now what to write about. . .